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Retake Westinghouse Elevator @ Mercy Professional Office Building @ Downtown Pittsburgh PA
80s Westinghouse elevators - Professional Office Building- UPMC Mercy - Uptown/Bluff, Pittsburgh, PA
Westinghouse MPH? service elevator 45 - UPMC Mercy - Uptown/Bluff, Pittsburgh, PA
Westinghouse/Lins traction elevators - Kennilworth Apartments - Shadyside, Pittsburgh, PA
Westinghouse/Otis Compass Elevators at 4 Allegheny Center in the North Side of Pittsburgh, PA (XR)
Schindler/ Westinghouse glass traction elevators @ One Oxford Centre Pittsburgh, PA
SchindlerHaughton Lobby Elevators Westin Downtown Pittsburgh, PA
MY FIRST SchindlerHaughton 😃 at the Westin downtown Pittsburgh, PA
eastern elevator at upmc doctors office building pittsburgh pa
DURING MOD. - Schindler Haughton PORT "B" elevators - Allegheny General Hospital - Pittsburgh, PA
Retake of the elevators at Mercy Hospital in Janesville, WI (South Bank)
Building a Workforce Bridge in the Pittsburgh Region